
Happy Birthday to You

Cole was 3 years old on Monday! We had a low-key birthday celebration. The night before, I blew up a bunch of balloons to decorate the stairway from the bedrooms and then I piled a bunch on the table. They got a kick out of that (I think I nearly passed out from blowing up balloons though...). I told Cole he could pick what kind of cake he wanted, so I gave him a book of kids cakes that I had and he picked out a rocket cake. Thank goodness, that one wasn't too hard, some of those cakes would have been a real pain to frost! It turned out pretty good, he thought it was really cool.

We had Wakana and Taiyo over for dinner and cake. Steve stayed home with TeAnna because she was still getting over a stomach bug. She was very disappointed to have to miss Cole's birthday. I think Cole's favorite part of his whole birthday is that it was his turn to have his special day and he didn't have to share his birthday presents with Adam (at least not on his birthday). Cole was very patient on Adam's birthday and understood that each kid gets his special day, and he was going to take full advantage of his now that it was here! Especially by withholding his brand new firetruck from his brother...

Here's a quick photo history of Cole's first 3 years:


B. Fox said...

He is really starting to look like his big brother! Happy Birthday little guy - you will grow too fast, too soon. I know because mine are almost 12 and 9!

Dinah said...

We love you, Cole! You are becoming such a big boy.