
Time Warp Ahead

Not sure what happened to January and most of February.  I seem to have pictures of us doing things, but it is all a blur.  Here are a few random pics from Jan/Feb...

More bike riding, but our usual trail has been flooded lately due to all the rain so we've had to turn around earlier and do a shorter distance.  
Here is Cole, our little Jedi in training.  Note the three additional lightsabers clipped onto his shorts (which are about to fall off with all the weight!)
I took one evening to go downtown with a photography group and take pictures at sunset and then photograph the fireworks that the Hilton shoots off.  It was good practice for evening photos.
Cub scouts has kept us busy, here is Adam at the fire station tour we did with the scouts
And Cole got a day out at the zoo with the MOMS club.  He LOVED the goats.  We spent at least a half hour with the goats and he wanted to go back and visit them again later on.  I had seen enough goats by that time.  

The big event this month was Adam's birthday party.  I'll post pics of that next...

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