
Adam and Cole

The kids have been a little walking disaster areas lately. The other day, he was playing in the back of the pickup truck and Adam was trying to 'help' by closing the back gate. Well Cole leaned on it and landed flat on his face on the pavement. Then Adam got a fat lip after he fell off the slide at the playground. Now this morning, right after Cole's scab on his nose came off he must have hit it on something and has a bloody gash on it again. BOYS! At least they haven't taken to breaking major limbs yet...

Adam has become quite the little helper around the house lately. He likes to wash the dishes and keeps asking if he can get the duster out and dust the furniture. I guess I should milk this one for all it's worth until the phase passes!

1 comment:

Dinah said...

Ouch! Poor Cole! How is he doing this week?